menu start: Sat Mar 15 11:45:19 CET 2025
menu end: Sat Mar 15 11:45:19 CET 2025
The B7 Italy 2024: Leading the Transitions Together summit, chaired by Emma Marcegaglia on behalf of Confindustria’s president Carlo Bonomi, officially began on January 1st. Assolombarda’s Headquarters, located in Milan, hosted the inaugural Advisory Board meeting on January 23rd, and the High Level Group meeting the following day.
The B7 agenda and the discussion groups
The B7 agenda discussions will follow four main axes: navigating the present uncertainties that affect global value chains; addressing the digital, climatic, and energetic transitions; leveraging the potential of the data economy; and tackling talent enhancement challenges in the labor market. The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across these various sectors represents the cross-cut priority.
The Advisory Board, made up of business leaders from different sectors of the Italian industry, and the High Level Group, which comprises Presidents of G7 countries' business organizations and influential CEOs from their respective countries, will meet under the guidance of Emma Marcegaglia during team-specific gatherings in the upcoming months. Their work will focus on producing a final document to be handed over to the Italian G7 presidency, containing the industry's contribution in the form of concrete and pragmatic policy recommendations on the B7 priority themes.
B7 Chair Emma Marcegaglia's Insight
Emma Marcegaglia, B7 chairwoman, stressed the importance of engaging directly with the industry leaders, citing the invaluable importance of their knowledge and on-field experience. Drawing from her previous experience as Chairwoman of the B20 Italy in 2021, Marcegaglia emphasized the significance of industry input in addressing the epochal challenges faced by the business world amidst the current complex geopolitical landscape.
Upcoming Milestones and Public Engagement
Looking ahead, the B7 Italy 2024 summit has a packed schedule, with the first public meeting scheduled for March 13 th and 14th in Verona. This meeting will coincide with the Industry, Technology, and Digital Ministerial gathering, featuring the presence of the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso.
The B7 Italy 2024 summit, led by the expertise of Emma Marcegaglia and powered by Confindustria and with the professional support from Deloitte Italy as the project's sole Knowledge Partner, is poised to steer Italy and the other G7 countries through the evolving global landscape, fostering collaboration, innovation, and strategic decision-making for a resilient future.