menu start: Thu Mar 13 18:44:01 CET 2025
menu end: Thu Mar 13 18:44:01 CET 2025
The main theme of the second G7 2024 Industry Stakeholders Conference – Making the Energy and the Environmental Transitions Drivers of Competitiveness, which will be held in Turin on April 28th in conjunction with the G7 Ministerial meeting on "Energy, Environment and Climate" is to make energy and environmental transitions factors of competitiveness.
Geopolitical tensions and the increase in energy demand at a global level are pushing the public and private sectors towards more advanced forms of partnership to achieve shared objectives by exploiting the best performing technologies, adopting common implementation plans, converging on harmonized green taxonomies, selecting priority investments while remaining anchored to the principle of technological neutrality to achieve the decarbonization objectives set by the Paris Agreement.
In line with the B7 claim Leading the Transitions Together, structured in thematic sessions, the discussion within the thematic sessions will involve authoritative business leaders, high-level representatives of the B7 business organizations, international and multilateral organizations and institutions, to share their visions and proposals on decisive factors to successfully address the multiple transitions of a global economy which is rapidly changing.