menu start: Thu Mar 13 05:23:08 CET 2025
menu end: Thu Mar 13 05:23:08 CET 2025
Giuseppina Di Foggia
Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Terna Spa
Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Terna since 9 May 2023.
Between April 2020 and May 2023, she was CEO and Vice President of Nokia Italia, a company with over 100 years of experience producing telecommunications devices, providing telecommunications services, and researching and developing optical networks, microwave technology and artificial intelligence.
Appointed as a Cavaliere del Lavoro [Knight of Labour] of the Italian Republic in 2021 for her commitment to Information and Communication Technologies, in the same year, she was named by Forbes Italia one of 100 women united by leadership and creativity distinguished for their commitment, tenacity and skill. Furthermore, she was recognised at the Forbes CEO Italian Awards 2021 as CEO of the year in the TLC category. In 2022, she received the Margutta Prize, a symbol of creativity and intellectual productivity in the entrepreneurial sector.
After earning a master’s in electronic engineering at La Sapienza University of Rome and passing the State examination to qualify as an engineer, she earned a second master’s in professional program management at the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey in the United States and completed specialist courses and general management programmes at SDA Bocconi Business School in Milan and the Luiss Business School in Rome.
With thirty-year of research and development, project management, and operational and strategic management experience gained in various countries, she began to work on research and development projects funded by the European Union to design and implement the third generation (3G) mobile network, before joining Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations in 1998 — later becoming Alcatel-Lucent in 2006 and then Nokia in 2016 — where she held various senior management positions across all areas of the company.
Chair of the Board of Directors of GPI SpA and member of the Governing Board of Assolombarda, Giuseppina Di Foggia is member of the Board of Directors of Luiss Business School and, since October 2023, of the Advisory Board of Sole24Ore Formazione. She is also member of the Board of Directors of Cefriel, the Research, Innovation and Training center of the Politecnico di Milano. Previously, she was member of the board of the Executive MBA of LUMSA University, of the Foreign Investors Advisory Board of Confindustria, of the General Board of Anitec-Assinform (between 2021 and 2023) and of the Advisory Board of B20 Italy (between 2020 and 2022). From June to December 2023, she held the position of Vice President of GO15, the international association of Very Large Power Grid Operators.
Having always nurtured an interest in young people and employment, in recent years she has promoted and supported various programmes aimed at improving digital literacy and introducing students to STEM subjects, as well as promoting school-work programmes.
She is married and has two children.